Overseas Visitor Treatment

User Experience and Interface Design
Overseas visitor treatment homepage
9 months
Sole UX Designer,
IA, Wireframes, UI, Prototyping in code
Co-research (analysis, mapping, Usability testing)
Worked with
User Researcher, Content Designer, Business Analyst, Developers, Testers
Nobody likes losing out on money you are supposed to get, be it an individual, an organisation or a country. This project came into place when it was found that the NHS was losing out on the money that is supposed to be coming from the EU for overseas visitor treatments into the UK. Cost recovery was brought in place to fix this.
The money received by the UK from the EU for overseas visitor treatments is way lesser compared to the money sent out to the EU  from the UK.
Project Overview
When a visitor from the EU gets treated in the UK, their healthcare is paid for by the member state to the UK. This process happens when the patient presents their European health insurance card or is issued a provisional replacement certificate at the time of treatment. These details are then input into the system by the Overseas visitor managers and then checked by the contact centre staff before it is sent off to the member state to claim the money back.

I worked on this project from the very beginning discovery stage. The team consisted of myself, the user researcher and the business analyst at the start and the development team came in only when we finished discovery. To help us with the research and due to the complexity of the project , we had two subject matter experts in our project.
We went through the current system and did user flows to understand pain points which can be improved. After the first round of user research, we got to know the what the overseas visitor managers wanted and as a team went on to do analysis, stakeholder mapping, and assumption mapping which was the initial foundation to the project. This helped us lay out the features and prepare an order in which we can work to get the minimum viable product in place first followed by the next releases
Use cases
Process map for overseas visitor treatments
Process flow
Assumption mapping
Assumption mapping
User personas
User personas
I create the user flow and then moved on to do the wireframe, I always present it to the entire team along with the business stakeholders for them to review and give their inputs and feedback. I incorporate this into the design process.I followed the NHS design system across the site as it is the standard that is maintained.I created all the pages and prototyped in code. Accessibility is one main thing to be considered and checked in all pages so that all users are able to use it.
View prototype for overseas visitor managerView prototype for contact center staff
User flow
User flow
Old and new design comparison for overseas visitor treatments
Old and new design comparison
Final UI
Usability Testing
Once I have done my prototype every sprint user testing is done with the users. According to the findings, as a team we have a prioritisation session to decide which changes we can do that will help the user and which can wait or be put in the backlog.

User Quotes

"Looks good, looks user friendly, cannot wait for it to be start."
“That is brilliant, because you don’t have to fill in all of the ID numbers and personal information separately, if a patient comes in three times you won’t have input the same information time and time again. Yeah, this new portal would save me so much time.”
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